“I know what I should do, but for some reason I just can’t.”

There’s a lot of information in that statement.

When you had that thought, you were either completely frozen, unable to move forward, or so anxious you couldn’t even think straight.

There was an alarm bell going off in your mind, screaming through your body telling you there is a threat, danger.

You get a strong, visceral feeling in your body.

Clear thinking is not an option.

The reasoning and decision-making centers of your brain begin ‘shutting down,’ preventing you from thinking clearly.

No wonder you’re unable to think your way out of the situation.

Because you didn’t necessarily know that the fight or flight response in your body was activated and on full alert mode.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy helps resolve what is keeping you from getting past the fight or flight response.

John’s* quest for a solution.

When John walked into my office, he was a lost version of himself.

He was a high achiever, did well in his career, but was suffering from negative beliefs that prevented him from reaching his full potential.

He had anxiety, couldn’t concentrate, and constantly felt like he was on edge, or there was a threat right around the corner.

“I feel like I can’t slow down or shut off. It’s ruining my relationship with my partner. They feel like I’m disconnected or have no interest in them. I’m a jerk half the time, waiting to feel better so I can interact. It’s not fair to them.”

John felt hopeless – rightfully so.

Think of EMDR Therapy as John’s emotional surgery.

John thought there had to be a specific solution to every issue he was facing. And this felt extremely overwhelming.

But there was hope.

John learned that his issues were connected to the main source from his past, a self-destructive engine that drove his thoughts and actions.

EMDR Therapy addressed the source and provided him with relief in multiple areas of his life.

John healed from his past, and it changed his present life recognition forever.

So, what is EMDR Therapy?

EMDR Therapy is not actual surgery of course, but it works similarly by getting directly to the source of your issue and by desensitizing you to any past trauma or other distressing life experiences that are getting in the way of you having a complete life.

Now, traditional therapy can be beneficial but think of it as you’re only getting to about 80% of healing. And that remaining 20% often is what is preventing you from getting the results you want.

EMDR Therapy gets to that final 20% and completes the healing the way you intended.

EMDR helps you process the cause of distress.

Did you know your brain has an instinctive ability to heal itself from trauma?

EMDR uses a method called bilateral stimulation (BLS) that unlocks your nervous system and allows the mind and body to process the distressing experience that is currently blocking you.

You can think of BLS as a back and forth or rhythmic motion that helps the hemispheres of the brain talk to each other while activating your neurobiology.

As your brain processes the memory or life distress, you will notice a shift in the way in which you perceived the memory. This shift also will directly affect how strongly you feel it in your body.

Expect guidance during the process.

From the time we begin, you can expect me to guide you safely and carefully through the entire process to make sure it’s the right fit.

I will immediately start to teach you ways in which to calm your nervous system, so you can tolerate any strong emotions that may surface. And the good news is that these are things you can start to do on your outside of session.

You don’t have to wait until the end of therapy to start to feel better.

EMDR Therapy can also help with…

…creative blocks, addictions, phobias, PTSD, social anxiety, somatic (body) complaints, self-destructive or impulsive behaviors, perfectionism, people-pleasing or co-dependency, and developmental and complex trauma.

Let’s work on doing what you should do.

Have more questions? Let’s schedule a time to talk, and I can fill in the blanks for you. Please call me at (818) 450-6844.

*Name changed to protect confidentiality.